This section contains Kens and outfits which are so rare as to be practically unique. A few seem genuine, but most are of dubious authenticity. They are all genuine Mattel, but some may have been altered, either on purpose, or by various ageing processes.
The most common question I’m asked by other collectors is whether an official flocked hair ‘Titian’ (i.e. red/ginger haired) Ken was ever released. So far in all my research there has been no proof that such a Ken was officially produced. Not one single catalogue features, or makes a mention of, a red-head Ken, and no box has yet been found with ‘Titian’ printed on the box lid end. The few Kens that occasionally appear for sale as ‘Titian’ Kens are either reflocks, or the flocking looks extremely dubious, as if some ageing process has altered it (like the one below).

The photos below were sent to me by a collector from Canada, of her 1961 blonde flocked hair Ken. He clearly seems to have legs which have been overpainted. This can be seen best around the feet and ankles, around the hip joints (where the paint has flaked), and on the left leg (where the paint has bubbled). There have been various reports of Kens and Barbies with painted legs, but this is the first I have discovered which looks genuinely vintage (though not necessarily originally by Mattel). I can only speculate as to why the legs were painted, as the colour underneath looks practically identical. Is it to hide flaws in the plastic? Was it done to early Kens which were photographed or filmed as promotional models, so the tone of the legs looked more natural in black and white? If anyone knows for sure, Christine and I would love to hear from you:

Kens with unique face-painting are highly suspicious. The Ken below left, sent to me by an Italian collector, has a face just too divergent from the slight and subtle variations known to be 100% genuine. If it were just the side-glancing eyes (with white dots on the wrong side) it would be unusual enough, but he even has oddly slanting eyebrows. Saying that, the execution of the paintwork is far too perfect to be homemade, and it looks genuinely vintage. The jury really is still out on this one!
The ‘brownette’ Ken below right is genuine but extremely unusual, as he the only example I’ve so far discovered with no white dots or flecks painted in his pupils.

The painted hair Ken with white eyes (below left) is a conundrum as Ken’s eyes have never been known to fade, and if they’d been washed or treated with some cleaning agent then presumably all the colour, including the black, would have been removed. They look as if the blue was simply never added in the first place. The Ken with white dots in his eyes is a definite fake – the dots have been hand-painted on at a later stage. Many thanks to Yuko for both photos.

The painted hair Ken below has the earlier body (original arm mold, wide stance) combined with the later head with bright blue eyes. To judge by every MIB Ken I’ve found and the various contemporary photos, Kens with bright blue eyes were not sold until 1964, by which time they all came with the new arm/hand mold. This Ken could be an odd exception (the Mattel factory in Japan suddenly discovered some old body parts which needed using up), but it is more likely that someone has made a hybrid out of two old Kens. Such ‘Frankenstein’s Monsters’ aren’t that rare, especially in online auctions, and I’ve also seen US-made ‘shorty’ Ken heads on Japan-made bodies (and vice versa). There is even the possibility that Mattel sold (or provided) replacement heads for damaged flocked hair Kens.

This version of Ken Skin Diver has a sweatshirt with button badge. I’ve been assured the outfit is genuinely NRFB. Of course, it would be possible to open this box, add the badge, and reseal the packaging without leaving any trace, but why anybody should wish to do that is a mystery. If anyone can shed any light on this (for example what the symbol on the badge represents, or whether this could have been a promotional item), please let me know:

This painted guitar came with Mattel’s Liddle Kiddles ‘Beat-a-Diddle’ Set #3510, a Sears exclusive from 1966-67. I’ve seen these for sale online both with and without a (red ribbon) strap. I once bought a Ken lot which included this painted guitar, but have no way of knowing if it originally belonged to a Ken set. The only sets that came with a guitar, which I’m aware of, are Ken In Hawaii and Ken’s Party Fun Fashion Pak (without strap) and Ken A Go Go (with black cord strap), but all the NRFP versions I’ve seen so far have had an unpainted guitar. If you have a NRFP set with a painted guitar like this, please let me know: Many thanks to Carla for letting me know about the Liddle Kiddles set!

Ken’s Hunting shirt can occasionally be found without a breast pocket, but the Special Date jacket shown here is practically unique. I’m yet to find a NRFP version of either of these without the pocket, so it’s still unclear whether Mattel really sold some like this (presumably a factory flaw), or whether the pockets were removed a later date.

This can only be a regular sweater which has been altered later. Presumably it had been torn, and a thrifty mother managed to salvage it by turning it into a cardigan. It is certainly very well sewn.