1980-87 European exclusives

Mattel France, Germany and Spain produced their own versions of several regular Kens (as well as Derek and the Heart Family Dad) throughout the 1980s. Mattel Spain even produced their own clothing. The Mattel France Kens are marked Made in France or © Mattel Inc. 1968 France on their backs. The Kens made in Germany (for the French market) are marked © Mattel GmbH West Germany. The Kens made in Spain (also occasionally made for the French market) are stamped © 1968 Mattel Inc Spain or are unmarked. They were packaged in unique boxes, and the French ones were given unique code numbers. The Kens produced in France and Germany resemble Kens sold in the US. The Spanish-produced versions are noticeably different, always using the Mod straight-arm body-mold, and having almost naively painted faces.


Mattel in Spain initially worked with the Spanish toy company Congost, during the late 1970s and early 1980s, as seen by the logo on the packaging of Ken Gran Gala and Ken Super Sport.

1983 #4077 Ken Gran Gala (Spanish version)
1983-84 #4077 Ken Gran Gala
1983 #5839 Ken Super Sport
1984 #5839 Ken Super Sport
1984 #7318 Ken Ritmic in original packaging
1985 #7318 Ken Ritmic
1985 #9019 Ken Día y Noche (Spanish version)
1985 #9019 Ken Día y Noche
1985 #9110 Ken Nautic in original packaging
1985 #9110 Ken Nautic
1986 #1020 Ken Tropical in original packaging
1986 #1020 Ken Tropical
1986 #2388 Ken Music in original packaging
1986 #2388 Ken Music
1986 #2250 Ken Destellos (Spanish version)
1986 #2250 Ken Destellos
1987 #1719 Ken Diamantes (Spanish version)
1987 #1719 Ken Diamantes
1986 #2428 Derek (Spanish version) in original packaging
1986 #2428 Derek
1987 #3173 Derek (Spanish version) in original packaging
1987 #3173 Derek
1987 #3131 Ken (Spanish version) in original packaging
1987 #3131 Ken

Mattel Spain also produced their own versions of many outfits, using different fabrics and threads. Some were similar, others quite different. The outfits were given alternative names, but kept the original code numbers. The shoes are made of hard plastic, but are unmarked. Mattel Spain Ken labels are stickers.

The pictures below show the regular outfit on the left, compared to the Mattel Spain version on the right.

1985 #9114 Twice As Nice Comparison
1985 #9114 Twice As Nice / Vestuario Gran Prix
1985 #9116 Twice As Nice comparison
1985 #9116 Twice As Nice / 1986 Vestuario Disco
1985 #9117 Twice As Nice comparison
1985 #9117 Twice As Nice / 1986 Vestuario Club
1986 #2691Rockers Fashions
1986 #2691 Rockers Fashions / Vestuario Rock Stars
1987 #3311 Ready To Wear / Pret-A-Porter comparison
1987 #3311 Ready To Wear / Vestuario Casino
1987 #3311 Casino (Spanish version)
1987 #3311 Casino (showing Ken ‘sticker’ label)

In 1985 Mattel Spain released Gran Prix and Chandal, boxed as shown below left (Chandal). In 1986 Chandal, Disco, Club and Ejecutivo (Sports Reporter) were sold, packaged as shown below middle and right.

1985 Vestuario #9115 Chandal (Spanish version)
1985 #9115 Vestuario Chandal in original packaging
1985 #9116 Vestuario Disco (Spanish version)
1986 #9116 Vestuario Disco in original packaging
1985 #9117 Vestuario Club (Spanish version)
1986 #9117 Vestuario Club in original packaging
1987 #3307 Moda Tokyo (Spanish version)
1987 #3307 Moda Tokyo
1987 #3311 Casino (Spanish version)
1987 #3311 Moda Casino

More photos of the Mattel Spain items I have can be seen in the other sections from 1983-1987. Si usted tiene la información sobre Mattel Spain Ken de los años 80, por favor hágamelo saber: contact@somethingabouttheboy.com


Several Kens were sold in France in exclusive French packaging. To make matters really confusing though, not all were actually made in France. Some were produced in Spain (Ken Super Féerie, Ken Super Tempo) or Germany (Ken Loisirs, possibly SuperStar Ken). Curiously, I’m yet to find a German-made Ken in German packaging.

The boys definitely produced in France are the unique Ken Cérémonie (see also 1983 Boys section), Day-To-Night Ken (Ken Super Club), Sea Lovin’ Ken (Ken Super Regate), and Super Sport Ken (Ken Sport Super Danse). There should also be a uniquely packaged French version of Crystal Ken (as Ken Super Gala), but I’m not sure if it was produced in France or Spain, as I’ve yet to find one NRFB.

1980 #638 Ken Loisirs (French version)
1980 #638 Ken Loisirs (Made in West Germany)
1980 #638 Ken Loisirs markings
From 1980 #638 Ken Loisirs (Made in Germany)
1983 #693 Ken Cérémonie
1983 #693 Ken Cérémonie (Made in France)
1983 #693 Cérémonie Ken
From 1983 French #693 Ken Cérémonie
1983 #241 Ken Sport Super Danse (French version)
1983 #241 Ken Sport Super Danse (Made in France)
1985 #6251 Ken Super Regate (French version)
1985 #6251 Ken Super Regate (Made in France)
1985 #6255 Ken Super Club (French)
1985 #6255 Ken Super Club (Made in France)
1985 #6255 Ken Super Club identification: © Mattel Inc. 1968 France
1985 #6255 Ken Super Club: © Mattel Inc. 1968 France

The Derek and two Kens below were made in Spain for the French market (Despite the multi-language packaging, I’ve only ever found these Kens in France). Unlike the Spanish-made dolls actually sold in Spain, these are given unique code numbers. Notice how they all have the straight arm body mold.

1986 #8283 Ken Super Tempo in original packaging
1986 #8283 Ken Super Tempo (Made in Spain)
1986 #8283 Music Lovin' Ken Super Tempo
Reverse of French packaging (Made in Spain)
1986 #8285 Ken Super Féerie (Made in Spain)
1986 #8285 Ken Super Féerie (Made in Spain)
1986 #8285 Ken Super Féerie (French version)
Reverse of French packaging (Made in Spain)
1986 #2428 Derek (Spanish version)
1986 #8456 Derek (Made in Spain)
1986 #8456 Derek (Spanish packaging detail)
Reverse of French packaging (Made in Spain)

These items rarely appear for sale online and are seldom found complete or in good condition. They are totally under-researched, and even French and Spanish Barbie websites hardly mention them. If you can provide any images or information please write to me at: contact@somethingabouttheboy.com.