Superstar Clones & Clothing
The classic Mod Ken clone doll continued to be sold by various companies as shown below, packaged as Harry in Germany, and Gary in the US (see also section Now Look Clones & Clothing). Montgomery Ward sold Gary, but the catalogues do not mention him by name.
Note that Harry is wearing the yellow track suit from the 1979 Montgomery Ward Christmas catalogue. Presumably Wentoys is the same company as Wenco, who sold many clone Papa and Udo outfits in Germany during the 1970s.
From 1979 Montgomery Ward Christmas cataloguec.1979-80 Harry doll by Wentoys (Germany)1979 (Montgomery Ward) Gary and his 5 sports outfitsFrom 1979 JCPenney Christmas catalogue1979 JCPenney Christmas catalogue Sportswear Outfits1979 JCPenney Christmas catalogue Round-the-Clock OutfitsFrom 1979 Spiegel Christmas catalogueFrom 1979 Aldens Christmas catalogue1977-79 Aldens Christmas catalogue / Flashy Fashions For Him by Totsy1977-79 Aldens Christmas catalogue / Flashy Fashions For Him by Totsy1978-79 Aldens Christmas catalogue / Flashy Fashions For Him by Totsy
Mike was sold in France through the mail order catalogue La Redoute between 1977 and 1987 (at least). He was the boyfriend of their doll Tina. Despite a decade of production, I’ve yet to find a single Mike doll for sale in France, or even an online mention of him (in fact if you google Mike + Tina it’s mostly the couple from the TV series Glee which appear). If anyone has more info or photos of Mike – especially NRFP – please contact me:
From 1977-78 French La Redoute catalogueFrom 1978-79 French La Redoute catalogueFrom 1979-80 French La Redoute catalogueFrom 1980-81 French La Redoute catalogueFrom 1981-82 French La Redoute catalogueFrom 1982-83 French La Redoute catalogueFrom 1983-84 French La Redoute catalogue
Shaun (boyfriend of Starr) was a one-off doll by Mattel. He’s a kind of cross between mid-70s Shaun Cassidy and the Grease-inspired 50’s revival, with a bit of Mork from Ork thrown in. He was released with a small clothing range. He is constructed quite differently from Ken, more articulated and much skinnier, so his clothes are not really designed to fit Ken.
1980 #1283 Shaun in original packagingReverse of packaging1980 #1395 Shaun tuxedo1980 #1398 Shaun casual outfit1980 #3320 Shaun sport outfitFrom 1980 Mattel Movin’ Ahead catalogueFrom 1980 JCPenney Christmas catalogueFrench Selection Jouets 81 catalogueFrom 1981 Mattel Makes It Happen catalogueFrom 1981 Mattel Makes It Happen catalogue
Chuck began life in the 1970s, and can also be seen in the Mod Clones section.
c.1980 Chuck with 4 outfits by TotsyFrom 1980 Orgill catalogueFrom 1980 JCPenney Christmas catalogueFrom 1980 Aldens Christmas catalogueFrom 1980 Spiegel Christmas catalogueFrom 1980 Montgomery Ward Christmas catalogue1980 (Montgomery Ward) Gary and his 5 sports outfits1980 Montgomery Ward Christmas catalogue boy doll outfit set
Jeans worn as fashion items (rather than workwear) had been around for a while, but by the late 1970s even designer labels were producing their own brand jeans. The early 1980s saw the appearance of Fashion Jeans Ken (see the 1982 boys section) and a few own brand dolls. The Jordache doll is by Mego and dated 1981. The Sergio Valente doll by Toy-Time Inc. was also available with dark skin – they were first produced in Hong Kong and later in China. The dolls are dated 1981 and the packaging 1982. Both the Jordache and the Valente dolls had extra outfits, as shown on the packaging reverse. The Sergio Valente packaging shows an outfit similar to Ken’s outfit Western Fringe!. The Big Bro set below left is a rare and interesting cheaper clone jeans outfit.
1981 Jordache high fashion male doll by Mego1982 Big Bro outfit in original packaging1982 Sergio Valente male fashion doll by Toy-Time Inc.1982 Sergio Valente male fashion doll by Toy-Time Inc.Reverse of packagingSergio Valente male fashion doll markings (China)Sergio Valente male fashion doll markings (Hong Kong)1982 Sergio Valente outfit #70701982 Sergio Valente outfit #7080From 1982 Canadian Sears Christmas Wish BookFrom 1982 Aldens Christmas catalogue
The classic Mod Ken clone was still being sold in many guises in the US and Europe. As a blonde he clearly resembles The Sun Set Malibu Ken. Note that the James and Jeffrey dolls were sold by Toy Time Inc., the same company which produced the Sergio Valente doll above.
Left: Fireman Action (c. late 70s-early 80s). Right: Jeffrey by Toy Time Inc. 19811981 James by Toy Time Inc. (Made in Hong Kong)
The Robert doll is another obvious Mod Ken clone, but Johnny is one of the rare black boy dolls to be given a unique look. The packages are not dated, but I guess they are from the early 1980s from the design. I’ve seen both of these dolls with variation clothing.
By 1981 even Sears began offering clone clothing sets instead of selling genuine Mattel outfits (by this time the quality of Mattel clothing had become the same as, or worse than, that sold by most clone companies). The outfit sets from the Sears Christmas Wish Books were packaged as Dollys Fashion by Totsy. Totsy also sold some single outfits packaged as Flair For Him.
In 1982 Sears introduced their own boy doll called Craig, who was also sold by Shillman as Our Boy/Sport Club throughout the 1980s. Both are marked M & S Shillman Inc. on their backs.
c.1982-83 Our Boy by Shillman1982-83 Our Boy/Craig identification markings1983 Our Boy outfit by Shillman1983 Our Boy outfit by Shillman1982 Sears Craig doll set1982 Sears Craig doll setFrom 1982 Sears Christmas Wish Book1983 Active Craig set for Sears1983 Active Craig set for SearsFrom 1983 Sears Christmas Wish Book1983 Sears Bride ‘n Groom setFrom 1983 Sears Wish BookFrom 1983 Sears Wish BookFrom 1983 Canadian Sears Christmas Wish Book1983 Sears Wish Book Active Wear set #49-30153
JCPenney sold a clone version of the Shillman/Sears Craig doll called Rod. I’ve yet to find him in the catalogues, so presumably he was sold in the stores. His packaging is marked ‘Made in Hong Kong’ which suggests he was produced in, or before, 1982 (which seems to be the year companies switched to producing in mainland China).
JCPenney Rod dollJCPenney outfit for Rod etc.From 1983 JCPenney Christmas catalogueFrom 1983 Montgomery Ward Christmas catalogue
The Wrangler doll is not a pure fashion doll as such – his extra clothing sets were more practical and cowboy themed, presumably to give him cross-over appeal.
1983 ‘The Wrangler’ doll by ErtlFrom 1983 Spiegel Christmas catalogue1983 Wrangler outfits by Ertl in original packaging