1983 The Outfits
In 1983 Mattel ended the Fashion Collectibles and Fashion Favorites lines, and replaced them with Fashion Classics. These outfits all came with shoes. They are also better-made, and there are some great classic outfits among them. The Designer Originals were also replaced, by the Designer Collection (also known in Canada and France as (La) collection haute-couture). The outfits were made in Taiwan (Fashion Classics) or the Philippines (Wedding of the Year/Designer Collection), with some shoes – usually loafers – still produced in Hong Kong.
Fun at McDonald’s was not available in Europe and I have never found a Kmart variation of it, but there is a Canadian version, with Fashion Classics translated as La collection classique. All other Canadian/French Fashion Classics from 1983 are called De vêtements classiques.
FASHION CLASSICS Fun at McDonald’s #4276
1983 Fashion Classics #4276 Fun at McDonald’s1983 Fashion Classics #42761983 Fashion Classics #4276 accessories1983 Fashion Classics #4276 in original packaging1983 Fashion Classics #4276 in Canadian packagingReverse of Fashion Classics #4276 Canadian packaging
FASHION CLASSICS Go-Anywhere Gear! #5819
1983 Fashion Classics #5819 Go-Anywhere Gear!1983 Fashion Classics #58191983 Fashion Classics #58191983 Fashion Classics #5819 shoes1983 Fashion Classics #5819 in original packaging1983 Fashion Classics #5819 in Canadian/French packaging
Kmart produced their own versions of all the 1983 Fashion Classics. They are packaged uniquely, with a picture of Dream Date Ken on the front. The reverse of the packaging is dated 1983, so they were either sold in late 1983, or 1984. It is difficult to be precise, because I have yet to find any Kmart catalogues from this period. Many variation fabrics and/or shoes were used.
1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #58191983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5819 sneakers1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5819 in original packaging (with sneakers)Reverse of packaging with sneakers1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5819 in original packaging (with loafers)Reverse of packaging with loafers
FASHION CLASSICS Country Flair! #5820
1983 Fashion Classics #5820 Country Flair!1983 Fashion Classics #58201983 Fashion Classics #58201983 Fashion Classics #5820 accessories1983 Fashion Classics #5820 in original packaging1983 Fashion Classics #5820 in Canadian/French packaging1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5820 in original packaging (with loafers)1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5820 in original packaging (with sneakers)1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5820 (Variation 2)1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #58201983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5820 accessories1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5820 (Variation 2)
FASHION CLASSICS Keeping In Shape! #5821
1983 Fashion Classics #5821 Keeping In Shape!1983 Fashion Classics #58211983 Fashion Classics #58211983 Fashion Classics #5821 sneakers1983 Fashion Classics #5821 in original packaging1983 Kmart Fashion Classics #5821 in Canadian/French packaging1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5821 (Variation)1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #58211983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5821 in original packaging (Variation)1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5821 in original packaging
FASHION CLASSICS Cool ‘N Casual! #5822
1983 Fashion Classics #5822 Cool ‘N Casual!1983 Fashion Classics #58221983 Fashion Classics #5822 sneakers1983 Fashion Classics #5822 in original packaging1983 Fashion Classics #5822 (Canada/France)1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5822
FASHION CLASSICS Cool Captain! #5823
1983 Fashion Classics #5823 Cool Captain!1983 Fashion Classics #58231983 Fashion Classics #58231983 Fashion Classics #5823 sneakers1983 Fashion Classics #5823 in original packaging1983 Fashion Classics #5823 in Canadian/French packaging1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5823 in original packaging1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5823 (Variation 1) in original packaging1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5823 (Variation 2)1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #58231983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #58231983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5823 (Variation 2) in original packaging
FASHION CLASSICS Date with Barbie Doll! #5824
1983 Fashion Classics #5824 Date with Barbie Doll!1983 Fashion Classics #58241983 Fashion Classics #5824 shoes1983 Fashion Classics #5824 in original packaging#5824 in Canadian/French packaging1983 Fashion Classics #5824 Canadian variation
Like the Canadian variation above right, the Kmart Fashion Classics shown below has a shirt with dots which are wider apart and darker jeans. It also comes with variation dark blue sneakers.
1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #58241983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #58241983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #58241983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics #5824 sneakers1983-84 Kmart #5824 in original packaging (sneakers)1983-84 Kmart #5824 in original packaging (shoes)
Kmart also sold their own exclusive range of Fashion Classics. They are dated 1982, with the same design on the reverse as the regular Fashion Classics, so were presumably sold in 1983, but I have so far discovered no contemporary printed reference (ie. a Kmart catalogue) to verify. They all have a picture of Fashion Jeans Ken on the packaging.
1983 Kmart Fashion Classics #42951983 Kmart Fashion Classics #42951983 Kmart Fashion Classics #42951983 Kmart Fashion Classics #4295 shoes1983 Kmart Fashion Classics #4295 in original packaging1983 Kmart Fashion Classics #4295 (Variation 1) in original packaging
The variation below is unusual, as the trousers are made of corduroy.
Throughout the 1980s Mattel experimented with new fabrics, especially fake leather. This has to be the worst fabric ever designed, and now flakes off at the lightest touch. Ironically, the flakes then stick like super-glue to anything they land on. To make matters worse, instead of sewing the outfit to the card, Mattel used eternally-gooey sticky tape. My mint-in-packaging pants were completely wrecked just by removing them and putting them on the Ken. I have retouched the photos below to disguise the worst of the damage.
All Kmart exclusive and regular Fashion Classics from 1983 came with a Barbie Fan Club application on reverse.
Reverse of 1983 Fashion Classics packaging (Taiwan)Reverse of 1983 Fashion Classics packaging (Taiwan/Hong Kong)Reverse of 1983 Canadian/European Fashion Classics (Taiwan)Reverse of 1983 Canadian Fashion Classics (Taiwan/Hong Kong)
The Kmart versions of the regular 1983 Fashion Classics had a much simpler design on reverse. They are dated 1983, so were presumably released in late 1983 or 1984.
Reverse of 1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics packaging (Taiwan)Reverse of 1983-84 Kmart Fashion Classics packaging (Taiwan/Hong Kong)
1983 Designer Collection #5651 Date Night!1983 Designer Collection #56511983 Designer Collection #5651 shoes1983 Designer Collection #5651 original packaging1983 Designer Collection #5651 in original packagingReverse of 1983 Designer Collection packaging1983 Designer Collection #5651 in Canadian/French packagingReverse of Canadian/French packaging
DESIGNER COLLECTION Country Gentleman #5833
These white ‘leather’ pants are made of the same fabric as Fashion Classics #4297 shown above, and are equally as disastrous. Once more, a mint-in-box set was completely wrecked simply by putting it on the doll. The fabric crumbles at the lightest touch. I’ve had to retouch the photos again, to show how it could have looked originally.
1983 Designer Collection #5833 Country Gentleman1983 Designer Collection #58331983 Designer Collection #58331983 Designer Collection #5833 accessories1983 Designer Collection #5833 in original packaging1983 Designer Collection #5833 in Canadian/French packaging
Suited for the groom! #5744
The variations of the white wedding tuxedo below are quite subtle. There are differences to the fabrics used, and the ruffles of the shirt-front, but the most obvious difference is the cut. The first version is baggier, the trousers cut more like jogging-pants. The later version jacket and trousers have a slimmer fit. Note the different packaging of this outfit, how the later one has the simple bold Ken logo, and the first version has the new Barbie logo from the Designer Collection outfits. Some of these first versions have the extra title Bridesmaid’s Dream! This is a factory-flaw (which must have raised a few eyebrows!), taken from the Barbie Wedding of the Year outfit #5745.
1983 Wedding of the Year #5744 Suited for the groom!1983 Wedding of the Year #57441983 Wedding of the Year #5744 accessories1983 Wedding of the Year #5744 original packaging1983 Wedding of the Year #5744 in original packagingFactory flaw ‘Bridesmaid’s Dream!’ packaging1983 Wedding of the Year #5744 in Canadian packagingReverse of Canadian packaging
The version below was presumably sold in 1984, as it also features the Designer Collection outfit #7084 Simply Dashing on reverse of the packaging.
1984 Wedding of the Year #57441984 Wedding of the Year #57441984 Wedding of the Year #57441984 Wedding of the Year #5744 accessories1984 Wedding of the Year #5744 in original packagingReverse of packaging
The 1983 booklet came in three versions. The first two are proper booklets and were printed in 1982 in the Philippines. In the first version Fun at McDonald’s is missing. The third booklet is actually a fold-out, and was printed in Taiwan. Wedding of the Year fashion is erroneously called Wedding Party in the first and the third booklets.
World of Fashion booklet (1st 1982 Philippines edition)World of Fashion booklet (1st 1982 Philippines edition)World of Fashion booklet (1st & 2nd 1982 Philippines edition)World of Fashion booklet (1st 1982 Philippines edition)World of Fashion booklet (2nd 1982 edition)World of Fashion booklet (2nd 1982 edition)World of Fashion booklet (2nd 1982 edition)World of Fashion booklet (1983 Taiwan edition)World of Fashion booklet (1983 Taiwan edition)World of Fashion booklet (1983 Taiwan edition)From 1983 Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 Canadian Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 German Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 German Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 German Barbie bookletFrom 1983 Dutch Barbie bookletFrom 1983 Finnish Barbie bookletFrom 1983 Swedish Barbie bookletFrom 1983 French Mattel Jouets catalogueFrom 1983 French Mattel Jouets brochure