1983 Ken Cérémonie, Horse Lovin’ Ken, Dream Date Ken, Super Sport Ken & Todd
Ken Cérémonie was unique to Mattel France. He looks almost identical to the regular domestic Superstar Kens, but is shorter with slightly waxier skin. His suit is the Designer Originals outfit Dandy Lines #3797 (see section 1982 The Outfits), and was probably produced in Hong Kong, like the shoes.
1983 #693 Ken Cérémonie1983 #693 Ken Cérémonie1983 #693 Ken Cérémonie1983 #693 Ken Cérémonie shoes1983 #693 Ken Cérémonie back marked MADE IN FRANCE1983 #693 Ken Cérémonie with original packaging
In Canada he was also known as Ken Aime les chevaux, in France as Ken Cavalier, and in Germany as Western Ken. Compared to Dream Date Ken he has much heftier eyebrows.
Most versions of Dream Date Ken still have the same swivel head and waist. My version photographed below however, has the less flexible body mold, with a sideways-only turning head and waist, which presumably dates him to 1984-85. There are two versions of his black jacket: one does not fasten, so the buttons are on the right. The other fastens with a popper, so the buttons are on the left. In France he was also known as Ken Soirée, and in Canada as Ken Compagnon De Rêve. Mattel Spain/Congost produced their own variation called Ken Gran Gala, and Estrela in Brazil produced a BOB version.
Although Mattel Spain used the same stock photos on the boxes, their Ken Gran Gala only ever came with the straight-arm body mold, as shown below and at bottom of page in the Juguetes 1983/4 catalogue from Spanish department store El Corte Inglés.
1983 #4077 Ken Gran Gala (Spanish version)1983 #4077 Ken Gran Gala (Spanish version)
1984-86 #10.53.06 Bob in original packaging1984-86 #10.53.06 Bob (variation trousers) in original packaging
The Barbie & Friends set contains three dolls – Barbie, PJ and Ken. Ken’s outfit was also available separately as Fashion Classics #5822 (See section 1983 The Outfits). He is basically a redressed version of the regular Dream Date Ken.
Super Sport Ken was released in Canada, Europe and Australia. In Sweden he was also known as Super Dance Ken, and in Finland as Sportti-Ken. Mattel Spain/Congost released their own unique version. There is also a French version with the unique code No. 241 called Ken Sport Super Danse. He was almost certainly made in France – I’ve seen a few photos of him, and he is short with a shiny complexion, just like the Ken Cérémonie mentioned above.
The Spanish version is dated 1984 on the packaging.
1984 #5839 Ken Super Sport (Spanish version)Reverse of Spanish packaging
1983 #241 Ken Sport Super Danse (French version)Reverse of French packaging
TODD #4253
A new ‘Ken friend’ called Todd was also released this year. His only purpose seems to have been to marry a girl called Tracy. He is similar to Western Ken and Horse Lovin’ Ken, but has different eyebrows and brown eyes. Apart from a Mexican version (which was produced with both the Superstar and the Great Shape era head-mold), he was not released in any other form, and no other outfits were produced especially for him.
The 1983 booklet came in three versions. The first two are proper booklets and were printed in 1982 in the Philippines. In the first version Horse Lovin’ Ken and Todd are missing, and there is a noticeably different-looking prototype of Dream Date Ken. The third booklet is actually a fold-out, and was printed in Taiwan.
World of Fashion booklet (1st 1982 edition)World of Fashion booklet (1st 1982 edition)World of Fashion booklet (1st 1982 edition)World of Fashion booklet (2nd 1982 edition)World of Fashion booklet (2nd 1982 edition)World of Fashion booklet (2nd 1982 edition)World of Fashion booklet (1983 Taiwan edition)World of Fashion booklet (1983 Taiwan edition)World of Fashion booklet (1983 Taiwan edition)From 1983 Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 Sears Wish BookFrom 1983 Sears Wish BookFrom 1983 Sears Wish BookFrom 1983 JCPenney Christmas catalogueFrom 1983 JCPenney Christmas catalogueFrom 1983 Spiegel Christmas catalogueFrom 1983 Montgomery Ward Christmas catalogueFrom 1983 Canadian Sears Christmas Wish BookFrom 1983 Canadian Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 Canadian Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 Australian Christmas Wish advertising bookletFrom 1983 French Mattel jouets catalogueFrom 1983 French Mattel Toy catalogueFrom 1983 French Nouvelles Galeries catalogueFrom 1983 Italian Mattel catalogueFrom 1983 Italian Mattel catalogueFrom 1983 Italian Barbie bookletFrom 1983 Italian Barbie bookletFrom 1983 Italian Barbie bookletFrom 1983 German Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 German Mattel Toys catalogueFrom 1983 German Barbie bookletFrom 1983 German Barbie bookletFrom 1983 German Barbie bookletFrom 1983 Swedish Barbie bookletFrom 1983 Finnish Barbie bookletFrom 1983 Finnish Barbie bookletFrom 1983-4 Spanish El Cortes Ingles Catálogo de Juguetes1984 Spanish Barbie booklet