1977 The Outfits

1977-78 were hit-and-miss years for Ken clothing, a kind of in-between fashion period, which doesn’t quite achieve its own clear identity.  Still, there are a few gems here, including one of my all-time favorites, Get-Ups ‘N Go #9744. All outfits were produced in Korea. Again, I’ve just added shoes to the Best Buy Fashions for the photos.



1977 #9700 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9700
1977 #9700 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9700
1977 #9700 Best Buy Fashions variation
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9700 scarf
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9700 in original packaging
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9700 in original packaging
1977 #9700 Best Buy Fashions variation
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9700 variation shirt
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9700 in original packaging
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9700 (variation) in original packaging


1977 Best Buy Fashions #9701
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9701
1977 #9701 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9701
1977 #9701 Best Buy Fashions
1977 #9701 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9701 in original packaging
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9701 in original packaging
1977 #9701 Best Buy Fashions variation (I)
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9701 (Variation 1)
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9701 in original packaging
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9701 (Variation 1) in original packaging

Do you have this set with the super-rare full-knit sweater in the original packaging? If so, it would be great if you could send me a photo! Email Anthony at: contact@somethingabouttheboy.com.

1977 #9701 Best Buy Fashions variation (II)
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9701 (Variation 2)
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9701
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9701


1977 #9702 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9702
1977 #9702 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9702
1977 #9702 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9702
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9702 in original packaging
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9702 in original packaging


1977 #9703 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9703
1977 #9703 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9703
1977 #9703 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9703
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9703 in original packaging
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9703 in original packaging


1977 #9704 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9704
1977 #9704 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9704
1977 #9704 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9704
1977 #9704 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9704 in original packaging


1977 #9705 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9705
1977 #9705 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9705
1977 #9705 Best Buy Fashions
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9705
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9705 in original packaging
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9705 in original packaging
1977 #9705 Best Buy Fashions variation (I)
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9705 (Variation 1)
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9705 (Variation 1) in original packaging
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9705 (Variation 1) in original packaging
1977 #9705 Best Buy Fashions variation (II)
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9705 (Variation 2)
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9705 (Variation II) in original packaging
1977 Best Buy Fashions #9705 (Variation 2) in original packaging


Like all Best Buy Fashions sold between 1976-1978, these are dated 1975 on the packaging, so, without any printed reference such as a Sears store guide, I’m relying on the received wisdom of other collectors that they are indeed Sears exclusives from this year.


1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057 cap
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057 scarf
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057 scarf
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057 in original packaging
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2057 in original packaging


1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2058
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2058
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2058
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2058
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2058
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2058
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2058 in original packaging
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2058 in original packaging


1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2059
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2059
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2059
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2059
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2059
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2059
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2059 bow tie
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2059 bow tie

Note how the Italian Mattel Toys catalogue for 1981 (below right) features this outfit, as well as several other Ken outfits from 1976-1978.

1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2059 in original packaging
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2059 in original packaging
From Italian Mattel Giocattoli 1981 catalogue
From Italian Mattel Giocattoli 1981 catalogue


1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2060
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2060
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2060
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2060
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2060 scarf
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2060 scarf
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2060 in original packaging
1977 Sears Best Buy Fashions #2060 in original packaging


Sears also sold Best Buy Fashions 9701 and 9702 together as a set, through the Wish Book and possibly in their stores packaged as FASHIONS.

1977 Sears Fashions #2064 in original packaging
1977 Fashions #2064 in original packaging (from Dwane Adle Collection)
From 1977 Sears Wish Book
From 1977 Sears Wish Book


The Get-Ups ‘N Go outfits for 1977 and 1978 were available in two kinds of packaging: the regular squarish format pack, and a new slimmer design pack with cut-out ‘hook’. This new pack must be later (i.e. from 1978 onward) as it features SuperStar Ken. It became the standard packaging design for Superstar era outfits. In Europe the GUAG outfits were also packaged as Fashion Originals.

GET-UPS ‘N GO Bright team for the travel scene / FASHION ORIGINALS #9744

1977 #9744 Fashion Originals
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go / Fashion Originals #9744
1977 #9744 Fashion Originals
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go / Fashion Originals #9744
1977 #9744 Fashion Originals
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go / Fashion Originals #9744
1977 #9744 Fashion Originals
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go / Fashion Originals #9744 accessories
1977 #9744 Get-Ups 'N Go variation
1977 #9744 Get-Ups ‘N Go in original packaging
1977 #9744 Get-Ups 'N Go in original packaging
1977 #9744 Get-Ups ‘N Go with red belt buckle
1977 Fashion Originals #9744 in original packaging
1977 Fashion Originals #9744 (European) in original packaging
1977 Fashion Originals #9744 (European)
1977 Fashion Originals #9744 with black shoes
1977 #9744 Get Ups 'N Go
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go #9744 (Variation jacket)
Bright team for the travel scene
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go #9744
1977 #9744 Get Ups 'N Go
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go #9744
1977 #9744 Get Ups 'N Go accessories
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go #9744 accessories
1977 Get-Ups 'N Go #9744 in original packaging
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go #9744 in original packaging (with brown shoes)
1977 Get-Ups 'N Go #9744 variation packaging
Get-Ups ‘N Go #9744 variation (1978) packaging

GET UPS ‘N GO A very deluxe tux / FASHION ORIGINALS #9745

1977 #9745 Get Ups 'N Go
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go #9745 A very deluxe tux
1977 #9745 Get Ups 'N Go
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go #9745
1977 #9745 Get Ups 'N Go
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go #9745
1977 #9745 Get Ups 'N Go
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go #9745 accessories
1977 Get-Ups 'N Go #9745 in original packaging
1977 Get-Ups ‘N Go #9745 in original packaging
1977 Get-Ups 'N Go #9745 variation packaging
Get-Ups ‘N Go #9745 variation (1978) packaging
1977 Get-Ups 'N Go #9745 in original packaging
Get-Ups ‘N Go #9745 (Variation) in original packaging
1977 #9745 Fashion Originals
1977 Fashion Originals #9745 (European) in original packaging

Despite the updated box design, the Fashion Originals are still dated 1971 – the original design date of this series.

1977 Fashion Originals #9745 (European) original packaging
1977 Fashion Originals #9745 (European) original packaging (Detail)


This Fashion Originals outfit and the one below were European releases, and are now quite difficult to find.

1977 #9929 Fashion Originals
1977 Fashion Originals #9929
1977 #9929 Fashion Originals
1977 Fashion Originals #9929
1977 #9929 Fashion Originals
1977 Fashion Originals #9929 accessories
1977 Fashion Originals #9929 in original packaging
1977 Fashion Originals #9929 in original packaging


1977 #9930 Fashion Originals
1977 Fashion Originals #9930
1977 #9930 Fashion Originals
1977 Fashion Originals #9930
1977 #9930 Fashion Originals
1977 Fashion Originals #9930 accessories
1977 Fashion Originals #9930 in original packaging
1977 Fashion Originals #9930 in original packaging


The Get-Ups ‘N Go outfits from 1973-1978 and the Best Buy Fashions from 1974-1978 are all blank on reverse. The Fashion Originals from 1977 were packaged in a yellow box, with the same illustration from the previous year on reverse.

Reverse of Fashion Originals packaging 1977 (yellow box)
Reverse of Fashion Originals packaging 1977


In 1977 Best Buy Fashions and Get-Ups ‘N Go outfits slowly began to include booklets for the first time. The booklet for 1977 shows prototypes of Best Buy Fashions #9701 and 9705, with full-knit sleeves. As you can see above, versions were produced like this, but are very rare, possibly because the threads inside the sleeves get caught on his hands when dressing, making the sweaters very easy to damage.

From 1977 World of Barbie Fashions booklet
From 1977 World of Barbie Fashions booklet
From 1977 World of Barbie Fashions booklet
From 1977 World of Barbie Fashions booklet
From 1977 Makin' It With Mattel catalogue
From 1977 Makin’ It With Mattel catalogue
From 1977 German Barbie booklet
From 1977 German Barbie booklet
From German Mattel 77 catalogue
From German Mattel 77 catalogue
From German Mattel 77 catalogue
From German Mattel 77 catalogue
From 1977 French Mattel Toy catalogue
From 1977 French Mattel Toy catalogue
From 1977 French Barbie booklet
From 1977 French Barbie booklet
From 1977 Italian Barbie booklet
From 1977 Italian Barbie booklet
From 1977 Italian Barbie booklet
From 1977 Italian Barbie booklet
From 1977 French Jouets Weber catalogue
From 1977 French Jouets Weber catalogue
From 1977 Italian Mattel catalogue
From 1977 Italian Mattel catalogue
From 1977 Swedish Barbie Bladet
From 1977 Swedish Barbie Bladet
1978 Mattel German Werbemittel catalogue